TRIANGLE, Live at OHM, 1987

Featuring: Peter Brotzmann

Musicians on the recording

Peter Brötzmann - tenor saxophone, tarogato
Sabu Toyozumi - drums

Recording track list


1. Spinal Column             7:21
2. Toh-ro    8:00
3. Yuh-ru Yuru   5:52
4. Membrane System
5. Triangle        3:24
6. Valentine Chocolate 4:29
7. Depth of Focus 14:19 
8. Peter & Sabu’s Points    6:55


NoBusiness Records NBCD 160
Release year - 2023

Credits and release info

  • Recorded live on December 4th, 1987 at OHM, Koiwa, Tokyo, Japan by OHM Hiroshi
  • All music by Peter Brötzmann and Sabu Toyozumi
  • Mastered by Arūnas Zujus at MAMAstudios
  • Design by Oskaras Anosovas
  • Photos by Tatsuo Minami (of Sabu Toyozumi) & Kazue Yokoi (of Peter Brötzmann). Photo of Sabu Toyozumi and Peter Brötzmann by Aya Ogawa
  • Cover art by Sabu Toyozumi

Reviews and articles


Ken Waxman - JAZZ WORD

Recorded in Tokyo, the selection details how Sabu Toyozumi (b. 1943), a first generation Japanese Free Jazzer, who has worked with numerous local, European and American creators during his 60 year career, intersected with German tenor saxophonist/tárogató player Peter Brötzmann (1941-2023), whose take-no-prisoners approach is musically fiercer than the bellicose activities of either these players’ countries prior and during Worl War II. Reflecting, but not copying the power and theatricism of Taiko drumming, Toyozumi confirms that style’s birth from jazz drumming and quickly marshals clip clops and clatters into a pseudo military pace that easily matches Brötzmann’s Teutonic altissimo runs and snarling overblowing. The saxophonist not only advances broken octave textures in all saxophone pitches, but at times, such as during “Triangle” and “Valentine Chocolate”, switches to woody tárogató whose gentling reed trills are ably met by the drummer’s  carefully positioned palms-on-drum-top slaps and temple-bell-like plinks. Although the emotionalism implicit in Brötzmann’s solos sometimes causes him to momentarily turn away from the mikes, there’s no stopping his molten flow of inspiration. The session is completed during “Peter & Sabu’s Points” as Toyozumi sounds out a contrapuntal collection of paradiddles and smacks to meet the unbridled thrust of spetrofluctuation and multi-sectional screams from Brötzmann’s horn. Note though that throughout the extended “Depth of Focus” as irregular split tones and jagged bites issue from the saxophonist, the drummer emulates both western and eastern percussion with metallic cross pops interrupted at points with miniature gong resonations.

TRIANGLE, Live at OHM, 1987 -

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