
Featuring: Martin Küchen | Rafal Mazur

Musicians on the recording

Martin Küchen - sopranino and alto saxophones
Rafał Mazur - acoustic bass guitar

Recording track list

Side A
Side B




NoBusiness Records NBLP 118
Release year - 2018
Edition of 300 copies

Credits and release info

  • All compositions by Martin Küchen (STIM/NCB) and Rafał Mazur
  • Tracks on this release are in chronological order of  the recording session
  • Recorded live on March 6th, 2017 at BAZA Club, Krakow, Poland by Rafał Driewniany
  • Mixed by Rafał Driewniany / DTSSTUDIO.PL
  • Mastered by Arūnas Zujus at MAMAstudios
  • Rafał Mazur plays acoustic bass guitar built by Jerzy Wysocki
  • Cover - Karol Suchanek, Workers’ Bath-House at Wiegerska Gorka, Ironworks, Poland, 1930s, glass plate photography / Courtesy of the Ethnographic Museum in Krakow  
  • Design by Marcin Barski

Reviews and articles


Maciej Lewenstein - 

On a cold day of January 2019 a packet from NoBusiness Records arrived with several LPs, and "Baza" among them. Wow!!! This is one the best free improvised duo albums I have ever heard. It is trivially the best in its own category: while there are many double bass-saxophones duo, there is only one fretless acoustic bass guitar and there is only one Rafal Mazur! But, his playing is frequently more profound than that of double bass improvisers. The album was recorded live in the BAZA club in Kraków by the ingenious Rafal Rafał Drewniany, who also mixed the material. Arunas Zujus mastered it, and Danas Mikailionis produced it. Already the cover announces a masterpiece: it is a 1930s glass plate photography of "Worker's Bath-House as Wegierska Górka" by Karol Suchanek. Martin Küchen, born 1966, is one of the leading contemporary improvisers, of course belonging to the Scandinaviuan "school", but very different, say, from Mats Mats-olof Gustafsson. Martin is a master of changing moods: from lyrical and peaceful, to energetic and explosive, from expressive and extravertic to implosive and introvertic. But, at the same time he is the master of meditation. In this sense he is more than perfect partner for Rafal, who is also a master of the meditation and moods trading. The combinations of this two musicians brings up such synergy and mutual cooperation, that really... one cannot ask for more. The LP starts with "Baza 1", which begins relatively powerfully on alto, and continues in the second part more tranquil on sopranino, with fantastic bowing of Rafaª. "Baza 2" is an incredible alto-bass guitar dialogue, which becomes very abstract at the end with various effects created by both instruments. There is nothing else like this music. I am looking already forward for the Nobject trio recording, in which Rafal and Martin are joined by Vasco Trilla. This will sure deserve six stars!


Baza -

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